
Fat Guys In The Woods’ Knife Rig (Hosted by Creek Stewart)

A great product lesson comes from The Weather Channel's wildly popular TV show, Fat Guys In The Woods. The show features survival expert, Creek Stewart, as he demonstrates to the...

Kindle Unlimited Teaches Us 5 Critical Lessons

My most recent book, Profit First, launched on July 8 of last year.  Ten days later, on July 18, Amazon launched its new subscription service, Kindle Unlimited.  Publishing a book...

Customers Don’t Buy What You Do

Customers don’t buy chimney cleaning services. They buy safe, roaring fires. Customers don’t buy Terry Cloth, sponges, soap and wax. They buy bragging rights for their shiny car. Customers don’t...

How To Be Memorable In Business

The formula to success? Being memorable. Throughout our lives we constantly encounter people from many walks of life. Often though, we only remember a select few of those folks. Why...

How to Properly Define Your Brand

As an entrepreneur you probably already know how important your brand is. Your brand really lets people know who you are and what you are about. In fact, it really...

How To Win Business Awards

I used to think winning an award was just a silly thing. More of an ego stroke than anything else. But the day I won the Young Entrepreneur of The...

What Do You Stand For, Entrepreneur?

You’re probably thinking, pop quiz? I haven’t even had my coffee yet, man! Relax. This pop quiz only has one question. It’s a tough one, though. Are you ready? What...

What Is The Best Way To Market My Business?

No question about it. You need to be all over social media! No. Wait. Hold on. I take that back. I meant, you must have a killer website that links...

The Trust Factor

I hustle to get the word out about my books, bringing them to events, doing signings at bookstores, and sticking them in supermarket cereal boxes in hopes that people will...

The Only Way To Succeed

Before the Internet, you didn’t really need to be that good. As long as you got the word out, and your product was acceptable, you would get a continual stream...

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