Break to Fix Strategies

Is "Financial Freedom" Your Biggest Trap?

There is a popular parable, The Tourist & The Mexican Fisherman, that I want to paraphrase for you. It goes something like this – an American tourist visits Mexico and...

How You Can Fix Any Business Problem

Most consultants fail. They blow it on a regular basis, not because they are bad or that they have bad systems. Quite to the contrary, most consultants and coaches I...

Innovate In A New Way

Walt Disney has been quoted saying, “I believe in being an innovator.” And you know what? So do I, and you should, too! Innovation is the classic strategy for being...

Sell Them After You Sold Them

Have you ever heard of Buyer’s Remorse? Thought so. But did you know that with public access of the Internet truly taking hold twenty years ago, everything changed? The consumer...

All In?

All In? If not you, then who? If not now, then when? If not all in, then why?

Why Business Plans Can Actually Hurt Business Progress

The first rule of thumb for any entrepreneur is to sit down and write a business plan, right? After all, that’s what all the “experts” and many business start-up books...

How To Get Referrals

More referrals mean more business. It is that simple. There are many traditional approaches to getting more referrals, and they work. In fact, at the end of this article you...


“No.” It’s the password to the next level.

Break These Rules for Better Public Speaking

For audience members, typical is boring. Watching a performer take risks is exciting. The best of the best break the rules. However, they don’t break the rules just to break...

Not Open Hours

How come every business lists its open hours? Open 9:00am to 9:00pm, everyday of the week. Open twenty four by seven. Open. Open. Open. Why doesn’t your business just list...

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