Customer Service

The Rise Of Self-Serve

I was standing in line at the ATM. There were four people in front of me. I estimated a five or six minute wait. Through the glass door I saw...

One Hundred Percent Satisfied?

I just returned from my annual business retreat. This year we decided to go to Costa Rica. We wanted to experience the world class whitewater rafting. What I didn't expect...

Talk Is Cheap. And Long Distance Rates Are Almost Non-Existent

Talk is cheap. It always has been. Now it’s just cheaper. Everyone can talk and everyone does. Anyone, anywhere will say something (anything) and it might just go viral. It...

How To Get To The Key Decision Maker

If I had a product I wanted to sell you, would you ever let me solicit you? Hell no. No one wants to be sold to. So you put barriers...

Height Matters

In his must read book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini explains that people are prone to trust taller people more than shorter people. So, size does matter after...

You Can’t Always Block Out A Block Of Time (And That’s OK)

I am calling bullshit on the productivity experts (and myself) for saying you need to block out time to get certain things done. For example, to write my book, I...

The Only Way To Succeed

Before the Internet, you didn’t really need to be that good. As long as you got the word out, and your product was acceptable, you would get a continual stream...

Would You Give Me Your Life, Please?

Do you have a spare minute? Would you please give me a little bit of your time? Our lives are simply an allotment of time. We have been granted a...

Truth Is Spoken Through Wallets, Not Words

A very important client and I had a conversation last month about services my company was providing to them. The client explained how impressed they were by the work and...

The Maytag Guarantee

Maytag figured something out many, many decades back. If they put a guarantee on their dishwashers and showed an idle Maytag repairman on TV (if you don’t recall, he was...

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