Sell Them After You Sold Them

Have you ever heard of Buyer’s Remorse? Thought so. But did you know that with public access of the Internet truly taking hold twenty years ago, everything changed?

The consumer could find a better price, a better way, a better anything on the Internet. Every imaginable alternative became accessible. And with that Buyer’s Remorse went to a whole new level: Buyer’s Defense.

Buyer’s Defense is where your customer needs to defend their decision to purchase from you, from all the attacks of friends and colleagues. They are hounded by people telling them where they could have gotten the same thing cheaper, better, and easier (and they should know, they are on the Internet).

The fact your customers are going to be attacked is unavoidable. Your job is to empower your customers to defend themselves. Give them a list of reasons why it was smart to buy from you. Give them tools to defend themselves. Sell them after you sold them.


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