
The Power Of Our Thoughts

It is a paradox. Success requires a clear vision. The more you can see it, the more likely you are to achieve it. I get it. In fact I believe...

Let Your Packaging Prime Your Customers

Our prospects and clients are highly influenced by their first impression. It is called priming - what we see first, determines our perception of the things to come. You can...

She’s Got It! Female Qualities Pay-off in Business

Look out, here comes the female entrepreneur! Women entrepreneurs are making their way in the business world in a big way. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 7.8...

The Simple Truth About Work-Life Balance

I was just talking with Alan Fawcett about life, and work, and more life and more work. During our conversation Alan said something that hit me like a ton of...

Selling Ice To Africans

I don’t want that sales guy who is “so good” he can “sell ice to Eskimos.”  Why not? Because eskimos don’t need ice.  That sales guy has a horrible sense...

One Accountable, Many Responsible

If there is one thing that is absolutely guaranteed when working with a team, if multiple people are made accountable to an outcome it is unlikely to happen. It is...

Do It Now!

Great ideas are useless, unless they are executed upon. Great initiatives are a waste if the initiative is not taken. So whatever it is. No matter how hard (or easy)...

Small Step Prospecting

Don't send me an email telling me to “click here in the next five seconds” or I will forever lose the deal of a lifetime. Don't call me asking me...

Weirdos Wanted!

Next time someone calls you weird, revel in it. It’s the weirdos who are different. It’s the weirdos who challenge the norm.  It is the weirdos who realize the foundation...

The Relationship Between Lenders & Borrowers

Most of my speaking events conclude with a book signing. Sometimes I forget to bring a pen. Oops. The first person in line and I do the obligatory self pat...

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