A Simple Trick To Listening To Your Gut

The Old Quarter Trick

How many times have you looked back at decisions and wish that you had simply trusted your gut? If only you would have listened to yourself. If only you hadn’t over thought things.

The next time you are facing a decision, narrow it down to the two best options. Then take out a quarter. Assign one of the options “heads” and the other option “tails.” Then flip the coin. Regardless of what it lands on, pay close attention to what your immediately feeling is.

If you feel relieved, it is your gut telling you to proceed with that option. If you feel disappointed it is your gut telling you to proceed with the other. Go with what your gut tells you.

When There Are More Than Two Options

In some cases you won’t be able to narrow it down to the two best options. You may have three or four or more. In that case start with the two worst options. Then flip the coin, and listen to your gut. This will leave you with the better of the two worst options.

Now pick the next worst option remaining and flip a coin for that option versus the one the prior coin flip left you with. Keep doing this process until you have reached two options, and then do your final flip.

Flipping A Quarter


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