The Inner Critic by Janice Dru


6 thoughts on “The Inner Critic by Janice Dru”

  1. Have we met? I use this exact technique as my mantra when I meditate. “Let the diaper of hope accept all my shitty ideas and crappy frustrations”. Hahaha.
    Best of luck to you in the contest!

  2. Janice, quite ingenious!  Great metaphor about how our self talk sabotages our ambitions & intentions!  You’re speaking my language. I’ve wondered where you’ve been!  

  3. Funny you should use tissues as the library for all those thoughts.  Coincidentally (a business plug here) I am working on a way to carry these things around with you like a fanny pack for people in a wheelchair, minus the negative asides. I’ll have it on my website soon. Maybe I should incorporate this video into my marketing. Good Luck!

    1. Karen, look forward to checking out your tissue fanny pack when it’s ready… Then I’ll have to cross out all the negative sayings and change them to positive ones to carry around with me at all times… All the way to senior living when I may have to be back in diapers myself! Speaking of the elderly, I just read a cool article on the Harvard Business Review that cited research around senior citizens: “In one of a series of studies, a group of nursing home residents with an average age of 87 were put on a strength training program 3 times a week for 45 minutes a session. They were given plenty of time to rest between sets and to recover between sessions. On average, they more than doubled their strength in just ten weeks.” So taking action is just as important as thinking positive!

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