The Way To Sequence Pricing In Proposals

I am on a little bit of a pricing strategy kick this week. In addition to removing decimals and dollar signs, consider changing the sequence of your proposal to include prices in descending order.  Most expensive option to least expensive option.

The first price the prospect sees is as the top and sets the bar for what to expect. If they feel the first price is high, then subsequent higher prices will not be well received. If they feel the first price is reasonable, subsequent higher prices would also be less appealing.

Therefore, put the lowest price first. Then regardless of their initial reaction to the first option’s price, the subsequent lower priced options will be better received.  You will build more positive feelings as they read lower and lower cost options.

Below is a sample of an order form (similar to the pricing page in a proposal) that I used for many years in my business.

Most expensive to least expensive – it might not sell something every time, but it certainly helps.

Descending price in a proposal


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